Here's a little about this fantastic island.
Hope Town is clearly one of the most picturesque settlements in the Bahamas. Its candy-striped lighthouse was built by the British Imperial Lighthouse Service in 1863, and still uses a wind-up brass mechanism to send a beam of light which can be seen for up to 20 miles. Read More
Hope Town provides all services for visitors. There are four grocery stores/liquor stores that are well stocked; what one does not have can likely be found at the other.
There are three marinas on Elbow Cay. The marinas are well equipped and offer fuel, wet and dry storage, and well-stocked marine stores.
There are several amazing restaurants and take-aways. All offer excellent food and friendly service-and provide the visitor with exceptional variety in a small town. Read More
There are several excellent gift and souvenir shops and all have a good assortment of other clothing, jewelry, T-shirts, books, and various gift items. Read More
Bicycles and golf carts are available for rent. Motorized vehicles (including golf carts) are not allowed in town without prior approval. Read more
There is a clinic in town staffed by a resident nurse. Doctors are in Marsh Harbor and the local people are extremely helpful in the event of an emergency.
The Hope Town Volunteer Fire & Rescue are on call 24 hours a day to help with any emergencies on land or sea. They monitor channel 16 on the VHF. Call 801-9991 in Emergencies.
What to Bring: Beach towels, suntan lotion, hats, sunglasses, snorkeling gear, fishing equipment, cooler, long sleeved shirts for sun protection and a flashlight. You will probably bring too many clothes. Days are in bathing suits and dining out is casual (no jackets for men).

There is no ATM or bank on the island; so be sure to bring a little cash with you. All businesses take Visa and MasterCard. American Express is rarely accepted.
Golf carts and rental boats do book up quickly! Be sure to book your cart/boat as early as possible. We recommend checking availability and booking them the same time you book your accommodations.
The electricity does go out occasionally. Most rental homes are equipped with a backup generator. You may want to check this before booking.
There is no public water system on the island. Each property has a cistern that holds a limited amount of water for showering washing etc. Please be sure to conserve water. The water is usually safe to drink, but we recommend bottled water to be safe.
It rarely happens but like anywhere; there is a chance of petty theft. We recommend locking doors and windows when you leave your home or turn in for the night. Hide away any valuables.
During the off-season (August through October), many businesses, shops, and restaurants have limited hours, and may even close for a month or two.